Saturday, November 30, 2019

Langston Hughes A Poet Supreme Essays - Jazz Poetry,

Langston Hughes: A Poet Supreme Langston Hughes: A Poet Supreme Black poetry is poetry that (1) is grounded in the black experience; (2) utilizes black music as a structural or emulative model; and (3) consciously transforms the prevailing standards of poetry through and inconoclastic and innovative use of language. No poet better carries the mantle of model and innovator the Langston Hughes, the prolific Duke Ellington of black poetry. Hughes's output alone is staggering. During his lifetime, he published over eight hundred poems. Moreover, he single-handedly defined blues poetry and is arguably the first major jazz poet. Early in his career he realized the importance of reading his poetry to receptive audiences. When Alain Locke arranged a poetry reading by Hughes before the Playwriter's Circle in 1972 in Washington, a blues pianist accompanied him, bringing Hughes the artist and blues music one step closer together, even though Hughes felt that the piano player was 'too polished.' He suggested to his Knopf editor that they ought to get 'a regular Lenox Avenue blues boy' to accompany him at his reading in New York. In the fifties Hughes was a major voice in the movement of recording with jazz accompaniment. Although I have neither the space, inclination, or ability to give a close textual reading of Hughes's poetry and although a large body of critical work already exists, I would like to focus on one piece by Hughes to evidence my case for his stature. That piece is the multipart, book-lenght poem Montage of a Dream Deferred (1951). In Montage, which Hughes described in a letter to Arna Bontemps as what you might call a precedent shattering opus-also could be known as a tour de force, Hughes addresses a number of critical problems facing black poetry: (1) how to affect a modern sensibility and at the same time maintain a grounding in the folk culture; (2) how to achieve the textual representation of the music, especially in terms of improvisation and variation of tone and timbre; and (3) how to use the vernacle without resorting to dialect. Hughes realized that is was impossible to do what he wanted to do in one piece, so he composed a series of short poems that play effect off eachother. Western literacy thought values the long form, the novel in particular, as a statement of intellectual acheivement and implicity devalues short forms. For this reason a collection of short stories rarely recieves equal critical attention as does a novel by the same author. In order to make the long form stand out, the author is expected to demonstrate complexity of plot and character developement. But these and related concerns are simply a culturally biased valuation of a specific set of literacy devices, often at the expense of other devices (many of which center on the sounding of poetry on the page). In a very important sence, modern American poetry was moving toward painting, that is, a composition of words placed on a page, and away from music, that is, an articulation of words that have been both sense (meaning) and sound (emoti on). Hughes clearly close to emphasize black music, which increasingly meant dealing with improvisation. The improvisation is implied in that certain themes, rhymes and rhythmic patterns, and recurring images ebb and flow throughout Montage- here spelled out in detail, there hinted at, and in another instance turned on their head. The above-quoated letter indicated that Hughes was conscious of what he was doing, and it is this self-consciousness that marks this as a modern poem. Indeed, Montage is almost postmodern in its mosaic of voices and attitude contained in one piece. Just as jazz simultaneously stresses the collective and the individual, Hughes component poems are each individual statements, but they are also part of a larger unit(y). Significantly, Hughes as an individual is de-emphasized in the work, even as various individual members of the community speak and are spoken about. In other words, Hughes becomes a medium, a sensitive and subtle medium, but a medium nonetheless. In a seemingly simple form, Hughes serves as a sounding board for the articulation of people who are usually voiceless. The work's modernity is the self-reflective nature of all the voiced speaking, and in speaking, coming to consciouness of

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Conceptualisation Of The Project Tourism Essay Example

Conceptualisation Of The Project Tourism Essay Example Conceptualisation Of The Project Tourism Essay Conceptualisation Of The Project Tourism Essay Gross direction for a ballad adult male is merely a toothsome manner of stating how to do the greatest possible sum of money.A IncomeA direction isA somewhatA new fieldA actuallyA having much vigilanceA ofA investigatorsA and practicians. To acquire a just portion of the market 1 has to be unquestionableA adequate toA investigateA the informations and takeA fastA conclusionsA to acquire better output and theA responseA for this is yield management.A IncomeA disposal, A furthermoreA known as Output administrationA is a procedure ofA capabilityA guardedA industry to maximizeA earningsA by apportioning the right stock list to the right client at the right monetary value. A RevenueA administrationA is theA researchA and art of heightening firmA incomesA whileA tradingA vitally theA identicalA sum ofA merchandise.A American Airlines and delta Airlines were the firstA foremost users ofA incomeA administrationA beg hotelingA about 1985. The rule ofA incomeA administrationA in hotels isA distinct, A as tenancy rate additions and supply which means the roomA handiness diminutions, A lower rates are closed for sale and higher rates are madeA accessible.A The undermentioned illustration helps one to understand the demand ofA incomeA direction in theA hotel industry.A ThroughoutA an epidemic in Canada 25 % A fallA in the figure ofA tourists.A Amazingly, A the vacation resortA managed to restrict diminution inA incomeA to a au naturel 3 % . This wasA likelyA byA booming execution of revenueA administrationA schemes. 1.2Statement of purposes and aims 1.A ProficiencyA toA locationA revenueA administrationA schemesA toA boostA gross andA assessingA hotel valuationA methods. 2. Survey of theA customaryA gross managementA schemesA andA recognisingA contemporaryschemesA utilisedA inA hotelsA today. 3.A ComprehensiveA survey of theA schemesA and pro-activeA conclusionsA that can be taken by the hotels. 4. After researching theA schemeA elaborate in the usage ofA incomeA signifiers. 5. Put up and pull off the revenueA administrationA schemesA in aA methodicalA and efficient mode. 6.A UnderstandA the range and restrictions of theA schemesA and pro-activeA conclusionsA and give someA proposalsA and tips for the patterns to moveA in front. 7. Besides gain cognition of the hereafter trends in theA hotelA commerceA andA dataA engineering. 1.3 Identification of gross direction schemes and pro-active determinations SchemesA are formulated andA recognisedA on theA cornerstoneA of the organizationa‚Â ¬a„?sA obligationsA to optimise gross and pro-activeA conclusionsA are the self-initiatedA decisionA which control a state of affairs and in bend helps in the hereafter. 1.4Scope of the undertaking This undertaking inculcated theA proficiencyA to carry on an on-line research. ThisA taskA assistedA addition cognition about theA functionA of gross managementA schemesA in theA hotelA commerceA and relevancy of informationA expertiseA andA furthermoreA analyse hereafter tendencies. 1.5Limitations of the undertaking As such there were noA studyA restrictions as there was aA broadA varietyA ofA facts and figures accessible.A On the other manus due to theA hugeA informations at that place was a small confusion.A DistinctA income schemes were notA accessibleA at one glimpse. 1.6Conclusion This undertaking will cover schemes thatA boostA incomeA every bit good as the pro-activeA decisions directors can take. WeA furthermoreA cover an penetration of informationA expertiseA andA work outA some hereafter tendencies inA incomeA administration.A We alsoA discoverA the broad range of thisA taskA by making a elaborate survey of the subject andA thereforeA weA furthermoreA get toA understandA the research restriction of this undertaking. Chapter 2: Literature Reappraisal 2.1 Introduction Simply put, A incomeA direction is based on the demand A ; A provideA ideaA which statesA distinguishable monetary value pointsA developA distinctA degrees of demand ( presuming demand snap ) . There is an inauspicious relationship between the two. That is, to increase demand a hotelA desiresA toA smallerA itsA costA and frailty versa. ContrivingA this relationship on a graph gives the equilibrium ( optimal ) sellingA costA ( where the demand andA provideA lines intersect ) , and the figure of suites that can beA tradedA at that monetary value. Therefore, revenueA administrationA systemsA resolveA that a hotel is better off go forthing any left over stock lists unsold instead thanA smallerA the rate. AnyA tryA to sell suites at aA smallerA than optimal rate ( the BAR BestA accessibleA Rate ) willA reallyA have aA contradictoryA impact onA incomesA while increasing costs An undisputableA item. IncomeA disposal: A A procedure of be aftering toA accomplishA greatestA room rates and most profitable invitees ( invitees who will spendA moneyA at the hotela‚Â ¬a„?sA nourishmentA and drink mercantile establishments, giftA shops, A etc. ) , that encourages frontA agencyA directors, general directors, and selling and gross revenues managers to aim salesA clip spanA andA evolveA gross revenues plans that will maximizeA net incomes for the hotel. IncomeA supervisor: A A managementA placeA thatA presentsA inadvertence to room stock list and room rates throughA diverseA selling channels. 2.2Revenue Management Schemes TheA rudimentaryA measure to get down anyA enterpriseA is to finalise theA schemesA andA methodsA elseA the enterpriseA will be unsuccessful due toA needA ofA designingA and scheme. It is necessary toA take up aA schemeA which tells what attack and tactical programs should beA appliedA by inA alignmentA for any organisation to functionA easily.A AA businessA schemeA has to be distinguishable andA unquestionableA with esteemA to the organisational ends and objectivesA elseA theA enterpriseA will be doomed. The importance of a businessA schemeA is that itA assistsA attractA promiseA clients. Following areA twosome of theA schemesA which have been classified into modern-day and customaryA schemesA and areA helpfulA from theA issueA of position ofA incomeA direction. Contemporary Schemes: Premium Pricing: valueA and prestigiousness are frequently the twoA rudimentaryA motivations for being aA specificA merchandiseA or service. The premiumA costA of theA merchandiseA is fixed andA sustainedA throughout the life rhythm of theA merchandiseA because of itsA valueA andA rankA which are added to theA characteristicsA of that merchandise.A The monetary value which is set high Acts of the Apostless as the keyA componentA for consumera‚Â ¬a„?s motive for purchasing thatA merchandise.A This scheme is based on inclination for theA purchasersA to presume thatA costlyA goods and servicesA relishA an exceptionalA statusA or represent exceeding quality and differentiation. ForA presentation, A theA costA of suites in aA hotelA isA repairedA on the footing ofA valueA of services and the position of that hotel. The highA costA of these suites is one ofA characteristicsA for sale of these suites. Monetary value skimming: This is aA chargeA schemeA in which the monetary values of the goods and services are setA somewhatA higher in theA primaryA phases and thenA chargesA are easy lowered over a period of clip. TheA majorA of thisA schemeA is to maximizeA earningsA by selling the merchandises even before there is any market affray.A This scheme works best when there isA sufficientA figure of consumers in the market, the demand for theA merchandiseA is high or the rivals in the market are weak or veryA twosome of.A ForA presentation, A a hotel Angstrom has merely no suites in the class that the guestA likes.A The visitorA mayA proceedA to anyA close byA hotel.A Hence toA bypassA mislayingA clients and derive comparableA border over any nearbyA hotels, thisA hotelA decreasesA theA chargesA andA endeavoursA toA dealaccessibleA classA of suites to the invitee. Psychological pricing: ThisA schemeA isA utilisedA when the market requires the consumer toA replyA on emotional footing and non rationally. This attack isA utilisedA to play on theA insightA ofA buyers.A The high value goods are costA harmonizing to what the consumerA conceivesA they should beA cost.A ForA presentation, A a hotel sells its suites for Rs. 9,900A instead thanA of 10,000. This has a positive consequence on heads of visitorsA as they perceive that theA hotelA isA tradingA suites atA lowerA rates. Penetration pricing: This is a pricingA schemeA in which theA applicationA monetary value of a new merchandise is setA reduced, A frequently smallerA than the eventual marketA costA in order to perforate the market andA appealA new clients. TheA schemeA works on the belief that because of theA smallerA charges, A the clients will exchange to the newA emblem, A evolveA a liking for it andA thereforeA boostA theA yearnA to utilize that. SubsequentA when the demand for theA merchandiseA additions, theA chargesA are raised and the standard retail monetary value of theA merchandiseA is set withoutA mislayingA the clients. ThisA strategy aspiresA atA expandingA g the portion and volume of the merchandise andA thereforeA its portion in the market instead thanA aspiringA to do short termA earnings.A ForA presentation, A a hotelA likesA to present a newA emblemA of aerated drink which will beA assistedA in all theA nourishmentA and beverage mercantile establishments. TheA primaryA costA of de but of theA pieceA will be setA reducedA which will helpA appealA the invitees to purchase that drink. After the drink becomesA good likedA within the clients and its demandA rises, A the existent retailA costA will be set. Loss leader pricing: ThisA schemeA psychologically stimulates theA clienteleA in purchasing its goods or services. The merchandiseA isA tradedA atA Lashkar-e-Taiba downA chargesA to assist profitable gross revenues of otherA goods.A For presentation, A a hotelA likesA to increase its gross revenues of luxury suites. To make so they offer 5 % price reduction ifA visitorsA publicationA luxury suites. By giving this price reduction, theA visitorsA areA captivatedA to book for luxury roomsA instead thanA of theA smallerA classA of suites. Traditional schemes: Cost plus pricing: This method is chiefly used because it is really simple to measure informations using this process. A certain buttocks up monetary value is supplemented to the cost of the ware to find the trading cost of the ware. When it is tough to calculate production charges, cost in add-on to method is really helpful. It assists calculate net incomes. This process assists to find the cost of an piece that makes usage of direct charges, tangential charges and repaired charges whether associated to the constructing method and sale of that ware or non. These costs are so converted to per unit costs for the ware and so a repaired per centum of these charges are added to supply a net incomes border. For presentation, while pricing a certain bowl, the cost of ingredients every bit good as the buttocks up cost ( extra allegations added to gain from net incomes ) has to be added in alliance to acquire the concluding merchandising cost. A certain hotel may impute 150 % grade up to the cost of constituents for doing pasta so that certain net incomes is acquired on the merchandising monetary value. Capacity direction: It engages processs by which room supply can be controlled or restricted. Another characteristic is that it works out the figure of walk-ins anticipated on a given twenty-four hours of visual aspect. For presentation, over enrollment is a pattern in which enrollment of rooma‚Â ¬a„?s is done in surplus contrasted to the echt figure of accessible suites. When there is a cancellation at the last hr or no-display that means invitee does non expose up, so the hotel will stop up holding a batch of fresh capacity. For illustration no-shows in hotels will outcome in loss of income. Hence hotels sustain chronicled facts and figures on cancellations and no-shows and founded on these forms in the yesteryear, the hotel draws from a rule for the span of overbooking. Overbooking is allowed by ordinance and all international hotels follow a method for direction method of excess of overbooking. Peak/ Off Peak pricing: This scheme helps to find alterations in forms for bear downing during different rates depending upon the clip of month to reflect the fluctuation in demand for the service. Peak and off peak pricing is common in the leisure and travel sector. During off-peak times, due to less demand there is a lessening in cost of merchandise. On the other manus, during peak times there is addition in cost of merchandise due to high addition in demand. For illustration, during off-peak a hotel sells its suites at the most discounted rates in order to pull clients in purchasing their merchandise. On the other manus during extremum season there is an addition in demand for suites. At such times even if the rates at which the room is sold are increased, the demand still remain high. This helps increase the hotel gross. Competition based Pricing: comparable charge is a method that associations use to monetary value ware when market altercation is homogeneous. Cost is considered lesser to the competitora‚Â ¬a„?s charges. A house that may take to utilize this charge scheme may be underneath the competitora‚Â ¬a„?s cost, above the comparable cost or at the indistinguishable degree. For presentation, there are two hotels which are suggesting same sorts of suites with the same comfortss. But if one of them is priced higher than the other so that hotel has to be its suites after really cautious survey of market and purchaser behaviors such that clients would favor to continue to that hotel alternatively of its competition. Marketing mix: Market blend is a scheme which makes usage of four basic constituents of market planning. They are merchandise, cost, topographic point and publicity. Price is the sum which a patronage pays for any ware. The ware is the object to be traded. It is indispensable to work out what sort of merchandise is to be sold.There are diverse charge strategies to cover the merchandise which count upon constituents such as market portion, altercation, stuff cost, merchandise character and worth perceived by the purchaser. Topographic point is where the ware is to be traded and promotion is communication methods such as advertizements, public relations, personal trading, etc. which are utilized to pull clients for purchasing the ware. For illustration if a specific hotel emblem is to be opened so it will hold to take into history factors like what merchandises will the hotel trade name exactly aim at trading, what will be the perfect market place in puting up the hotel, the charges fo r the diverse room categories and other services have to be really resolute and for pulling guest to see the hotel publicity will hold to be finished through advertizements in newspapers and on telecasting. 2.3 Hotel Valuation Techniques The assorted rating techniques used are as follows: Income capitalisation: This attack is founded on the criterion of expectancy, i.e. , come closing that the value of the house is precisely related to present value of the future net incomes benefits that can be drawn from ownership of that belongings. This method is suited when the localised hotel market is non anticipated to undergo any of import changes in demand or supply, so that it can be presumed that snare income of the topic house is stabilized. Gross saless comparing: This attack is founded on the criterion of permutation, which suggests that the cost of the hotel is contrasted to other belongingss inside the same market and the cost to get every bit attractive house without undue hold groups the upper bound of worth. Evaluation of any belongings by harmonizing to this attack counts upon handiness of facts and figures on recent gross revenues of belongingss which are likewise in dimensions, location and public-service corporation to the appraised belongings. Depreciated replacing cost: The cost of a building or any plus depreciates after a period of clip. Therefore it is indispensable to cipher the depreciated replacing cost to understand the worth of that object. It is calculated by deducting the edifice cost of the plus at the present market monetary value by the false cost of depreciation it will undergo over a period of clip. Discounted hard currency flow: This process is utilized to measure the value of a undertaking, plus or a company.It is calculated by gauging the hereafter hard currency flow in an association and discounting is finished in order to make at the present worth. This worth is so taken as the trap present worth for any present money flows. This method makes use a market study by the worth and right analysis of the belongings and its economic public presentation. 2.4 Relevance of Information Technology Most hotels make usage of exceeding plans which is called Property Management strategy. The PMS comprise of both the forepart bureau every bit good as the back bureau operations. Interfacing of telephones, Internet, doorway locking strategies, Yield disposal, international circulation strategies, Visa/MasterCard, etc. , can be finished with the agencies of PMS in an effectual and effectual manner. This assists decrease the mistakes that occur when managed manually. Plans utilised for better RM REVPAR GURU provides hotels round the universe with an alternate gross disposal plans answer, conceived to present greatest engagements and net incomes. As REVPAR GURU s custom-designed Output Dynamic Price motor is the lone real-time income direction plans accessible on the market, it encounters the rapidly changing demands of hotels in a really necessitating businessA natural environment. REVPAR GURU s reply boasts dynamic rate optimisation, real-time charge, integrated cyberspace and extranet output conduit disposal and GDS gross revenues circulation, to hike a hotel s RevPAR intelligently and aptly, while prolonging rate unity and automated rate para. Since 2004, REVPAR GURU s plans answer has been utilised by hotels worldwide to increase abode and RevPAR. The connexion between the hotel commercialism and online travel bureaus ( OTAs ) extends to germinate and do deeper, as clients increasingly use electrical devices circulation transitions to seek out and purchase hotel suites. 2.5 Critique on schemes Contemporary Schemes: Premium Pricing: This strategy counts upon the prestigiousness or similitude that a merchandise comes by in the market. Even though the cost of the ware is fixed at a higher rate, consumers are willing to pay more due to the position that the ware has obtained in the market. Monetary value Skimming: The major purpose of this strategy is to collar the purchaser excess. This strategy is suited for goods that have a short life rhythm or which will confront altercation at some clip in the hereafter. It is frequently used to aim the early adoptive parents for a ware or service since they are fewer charges perceptive possibly because their demand for the ware is more than the other 1s or they understand its worth better. This strategy is frequently used merely for a short period of clip to recover the purchasing into made concept the merchandise. Psychological Pricing: This scheme is utilised to play on the purchaser perceptual experience. High deserving points are priced harmonizing to what the consumer thinks they should be charge which assists in spread outing gross revenues and hence gross. Penetration Pricing: This strategy is utilised with a position to assist perforate deeper into the market. It may be utile in launching of a new merchandise which will confront stiff competition on come ining the market. The entry monetary value which is set low aids attracts purchasers and after the demand for the merchandise rises the charges are bigger. In this manner gross revenues addition and clients are retained. Loss leader pricing: This is a promotional strategy which certain points are intentionally traded at lower rates to excite money-making gross revenues of other goods. If the consumer is aware of the echt monetary value of the merchandise so the smaller cost actions as a deal which motivates the purchaser in purchasing that ware every bit good as other related goods.Thus spread outing gross revenues and gaining more net incomes. Traditional Schemes: Cost plus method: This strategy is non reliant on the supply and demand of a ware but on the cost of merchandisation of the merchandise. It is really simple to measure net incomes by this method and it requires minimum informations for computation. Competition based: This scheme helps derive a competitory border over the rivals. This helps the purchasers get the best trade for the merchandises that they want to buy. It besides promotes hotel indorsement. Capacity Management: This strategyA assistsA toA organiseA theA capabilityA of resources inA alignmentA oA rendezvousA the demand and demand of consumers. ItA assistsA foreseeA the figure of cancellations and no-shows thereforeA savingA decreaseA of gross. Peak/Off Peak pricing: ThisA schemeA assistsA toA work outA the rates for slack and high demandA clip span.A During the slack period, A smallerA rates areA suggestedA to clients toA appealA them and actuating them to purchaseA theA merchandise.A On the other manus, A throughoutA topA season there is high demand for theA identicalA merchandiseA .Even if the monetary value is increased, demandA continuesA theA identical.A This helps make incrementalA incomeA for the organisation. Marketing mix: MarketA blendA schemeA assistsA toA work outA whatA kindA of merchandise is to be sold, at whatA costA it should beA traded, A which market should it beA tradedA in and whatA kindA of promotional activities are required for theA identical.A All this is done afterA contemplatingA theA buyerA claims.A ThereforeA this schemeA assistsA developingA greatestA incomeA by fulfillingA buyerA demands andA desires. 2.6 Future Trends/Patterns for Revenue Management WithA Internet salesA on the rise-34 % of thoseA reviewedA reported the Internet as their most productiveA gross revenues channel-it is moreA crucialA than of all time to hold anA productiveA incomeA direction scheme toA sustainA enterprise.A Now is the clip forA hotelsA to go innovators in the new age of the commerceA byA applyingA the usage of aA complicated, A automated system that canA presentA all theA best hotelA revenueA administrationA strategies, A departingA gross directors clip to make what they do best develop scheme and supervise the systemsA processs. 1. Hoteliers willA pathway, A analyse, and maximise societal networking platforms as an built-in portion of gross managementa‚Â ¬ leveraging the power ofA devicesA that help them in pull offing consumer reviewA sites and other forums. They will take a proactive attack to user-generatedA hotel reappraisals, A web logs, pictures, and images. 2. RevenueA controllersA will reinvent their attack to be even more proactive and creativea‚Â ¬ carry oning moreA survey, A concentrating on demand generators, A evolvingA relationships with theA altercation, movingA market portion, developing the hotela‚Â ¬a„?s repute, and directingA complicatedA conduit disposal. 3. AutomatedA incomeA administrationA expertiseA will go the dominant pattern, A quickly consigningA importantA additions inA incomeA andA come backA on investings to those who adopt it. 4. The cordial reception industry will concentrate clip andA assetsA onA evolvingA strongA incomeA executivesa‚Â ¬ headlined by the ChiefA incomeA Officer ( CRO ) a‚Â ¬ who canA consignA the bestA incomeA strategy, A top-line income, A and bottom-line profitableness. 2.7 Insight on proactive determinations ProactiveA decisionA devising helps inA conceivingA about a futureA conclusionA that can be good for theA association.A It helps inA assortmentA and execution of the rightA schemeA throughoutA the right clip by placing and doing usage of every chance in manus andA overwhelmingA promise menaces. High Demand Tacticss: A ( can be used when 85 % tenancy or higher is expected ) a‚Â ¬A? Near deep price reductions ( honoring compulsory price reductions such as price reduction from the rack rate ) , butA identifyA a Managera‚Â ¬a„?sA exceptionalA at a 20 % price reduction could be a goodA enterpriseA conclusionA to make full those last 5 suites. a‚Â ¬A?A SmallestA extentA of stay limitations should be usedA heedfully. a‚Â ¬A? GroupA sharesA should beA decreasedA if notA selectedA up harmonizing to understandings. a‚Â ¬A?A decreaseA orA absolutelyA eradicateA 4 or 6 p.m.A retains. a‚Â ¬A? Stricter guarantee/cancellationA principlesA can beA directed, A i.e. accept merely creditA concern cardA assuredA reserves with 24- or 48-hour cancellation demands. a‚Â ¬A?A assessA andA probablyA liftA rates for all bundles, or limit their handiness on certain yearss. a‚Â ¬A? Suites/executive roomA kindsA should be saved for fullA cost. a‚Â ¬A? Dona‚Â ¬a„?tA mechanicallyA eradicateA sell-throughA engagements, A as a multi-night stay that coincides with high demandA eveningA couldA snareA a seven-day stay. One shouldA mindfullyA gazeA atA latestA history of no-shows and cancellations. a‚Â ¬A? AllA businessA andA borrowingA concern cardA assurancesA should beA twiceA checked and should be certain toA burden upA all those suites. Following tactics can be used during forecasted sold-out yearss. a‚Â ¬A?A ConsiderA weekend stay-over and shoulder darks. a‚Â ¬A?A pursueA up on allA places. a‚Â ¬A?ContinuallyA superviseA PMS and CRO statistics. a‚Â ¬A? IfA somebodyA is portion of aA twine of linksA orA emblem, A should work with Reservations andA income Representatives at the CRO they are theA professionalsA and can greatlyA aidA with theirA know-how. a‚Â ¬A?A double-checkA befittingA limitsA areA reliableA between allA passagesA ofA circulationA ( GDS, CRO, PMS, OTA ) a‚Â ¬A?A reconsiderA and reviseA strategies. a‚Â ¬A? CommunicateA schemesA to the Front Desk. The followers are tips to maximise grosss in periods of lower demand or weaker shoulder seasons: Low Demand Tactic a‚Â ¬A? cover the value/benefits a‚Â ¬A? Use more bundles: encompass non-room income, e.g. free picture, price reduction affinity, purchasing vouchers to gestate seen value. a‚Â ¬A? keep discounted rate designs open, even if at a higher rate in peak times of the twelvemonth encouragement ascents and offer stay-sensitive monetary value incentives. a‚Â ¬A? engage staff in acquiring endeavor with incentives or gross revenues calls. a‚Â ¬A? set up connexions with rivals for referrals. a‚Â ¬A? Cross market with other belongingss. a‚Â ¬A? set up a dona‚Â ¬a„?t allow them go forth pattern , intending give the table staff the rate assortments they need to guarantee that a invitee is non put off by rate hesitance. This does non intend indefensible discounting, but learning that nowadayss sensitiveness and widespread sense. a‚Â ¬A? Know the smallest rate agreeable at that granted blink of an eye in the hotel founded on variable costs ; this means that disposal must cognize the break-even point in your hotel. 2.8 Decision ThisA sectionA gives us a briefA about some of the traditional as good asA up to dateA income managementA schemes.A It helps usA realiseA the impact ofA dataA expertiseA onA incomeA direction every bit good as enlightens us sing few futureA tendenciesA inA incomeA administration.A ItA moreover describes the assorted valuationA methodsA used for valuingA hotelA belongingss in short. Chapter 3 Purpose and dependability of the job 3.1 Introduction- This chapterA encompassesA theA submissionA of eachA schemeA in theA hotelA commerceA and where is it applied.A ThisA sectionA besides stresses on theA incomeA formA foundedA on theA costA favoritism strategy. 3.2Relevance of strategies- 1. Market segmentation- Effective market cleavage leads toA thrivingA chargeA andA assistsA increaseA income.A One manner to distinguish betweenA chargesA isA merchandiseA versioning. VersioningA procedureA is modifying a merchandise that can be sold at a lower monetary value without cannibalising ( cut downing ) the higher priced full merchandise.A VersioningA endowsA aA businessA to separate its merchandises from theA affrayA andA truly defendA itsA chargesA from prostration. ItA notifiesA repairedA chargesA are high and the marginalA charges areA reduced.A This is because competition tends toA propelA monetary values to theA gradeA of fringy costs, informationA itemsA can beA effortlesslyA bend intoA reducedA costA trade goods, doing itA unrealisticA for companies to reimburse their up-front investings and finally conveying out their death. Now theA answerA for this is to make different versions of theA identicalA merchandise orA dataA by orienting it to theA desiresA ofA distinct A clients. Basically this method of market cleavage dressed ores on how to appeal to clients withA distinctA demands. 2. Price discrimination- contemplatingA monetary value favoritism, demand isA split upA into two different monetary value pails, A numbering onA costA sensitiveness. ForA presentation, A hotel by offering a assortment ofA chargesA for the same service can cut down consumer excess andA boostA income.A RateA barriersA procedureA helps hotels toA hold rate variationsA clear.A Rate fencings are the rulesA hotelsA usage to segmentA clienteleA andA supportA why different people payA distinctA monetary values. Fences In otherA phrasesA mitigate or cut down the badness of costA unfairness. Presently designed rateA barriersA letA hotelA guests self-segment on theA basis of theirA enthusiasmA to pay and can helpA businessesA to effectivelyA goalA lower monetary values to those purchasersA who are disposed to accept certain limitations on theirA buyA andA use knowledge.A .A Crucially, A there are two types ofA barrierA rates, these helpsA hotelsA to custom-make their rates. a. Physical fencing rates- These rates comprise of, physicalA positionA andA outlookA of the room, A furnitureA andA dimensions, handiness of comfortss andA additionalA services. b. Non-physical fencing rates- ThisA encompassesA utilisationA features which means that clip and continuance of usage and frequence orA capacityA ofA utilisation.A This besides includesA purchaserA characteristicsA and dealing characteristics.A investigationsA have shown, in fact, thatA proposingA clients preventiveA dataA on hotela‚Â ¬a„?s pricing patterns can well heighten theirA insightsA of equity ( Choe and mattile, 2005, 2006 ) . 3. Discount allocation- applyingA this scheme requiresA dependableA demand prediction. Restricting price reductions by room typesA furthermoreA assistsA hotels in upselling.A FurthermoreA it would ease theA hotelsA by exciting the demand for unsoldA hotel suites, and by offeringA reducedA rates under variable chargeA construction. 4. Capacity Management- It helpsA hotelsA inA working outA howA numerousA strollA hotelsA to accept on the twenty-four hours ofA appearanceA taking intoA concernA expected cancellations, no-shows or early goings. For illustration, in the Metro-PolitianA townA hotels there are aA allotmentA of cancellations and no-showsA occurrenceA butA using capabilityA direction willA acquireA the loss. 5. Duration Allocation- occasionallyA thisA schemeA may be advantageous for hotels to lose one twenty-four hours room gross by rejecting theA bookingsA for that twenty-four hours sing the multipleA bookings.A ForA presentation, A if Thursday isA shutA toA tradingA out butA adaptA darks are non, it would beA shrewdA for aA hotelA to optimise its gross by necessitating multi-days stay for the last few suites at even a discounted rate instead than accepting reserve merely for Thursday. 6. Bundling- BundledA chargeA canA advantageA hotelA enterpriseA and their clients. Bundled pricing doesna‚Â ¬a„?t habituallyA inevitablyA benefit the clients it can supply the

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Writer’s Identity - Freewrite Store

A Writer’s Identity - Freewrite Store This is a guest post by Rebecca A. Demarest. Rebecca is an award-winning book designer, author, and technical illustrator living in Seattle, WA with her bacon-sharing husband and a temperamental cat named Cat. Her novel,Less Than Charming, is available for pre-order through March 15th on Indiegogo, and will be launching from Parkhurst Brothers Publishing, Inc. on May 1st 2016. For more information on her work, please visit her website. Several years ago, as we were getting ready for bed, my (now ex-) boyfriend turned to me with: â€Å"You know, since you keep putting off working on your novel, I’m going to have to start introducing you as a publisher instead of a writer.† Instinctively, I corrected him. â€Å"Illustrator, not publisher.† That’s what I did all day- I drew diagrams for computer programs at a tech publisher. Even though I automatically corrected his title gaffe, it cut me to the quick that he no longer considered me a writer. But I knew he was right; that part of my identity seemed to have started slipping away sometime after obtaining my MFA. I had immersed myself in several rounds of editing on my novel nà ©e thesis and after all the work I had done editing and revising and rewriting, I finally sent out the query letters, but the response I was hoping for never came. It was a good experience for me as several agents gave me useful feedback instead of form rejections, but it was also depressing, because they all pointed out a major flaw that none of my previous readers had even touched on. Apparently, though they all adored the setting and the story, they just could not connect with my main character as he was presented to them at the beginning of the manuscript and I had no idea how to go about fixing that fact.   Under the pretext of trying to figure out how to fix my novel, I stopped writing. I’m a very methodical writer and I spend a lot of time planning before I begin, so it seemed logical to me to take a step back to analyze what I had and what was missing. I shelved the novel and moved forward with the rest of my life while I contemplated the changes. At first it was just the novel itself that went untouched. Then it was my blog. I had started the blog for two reasons: to force myself into creating new fiction once a week, and to praise or rant about books that I had been reading so my friends didn’t have to hear me talk about them over and over. But then life and my health got in the way and I was running around trying to get everything done and diagnosed before work, after work, during work and my self-motivated, deadline-free writing took the hit. I stopped writing anything. So, after an evening of hanging out with his friends, he said to me, â€Å"You know, if you keep putting off working on your novel, I’m going to have to start introducing you as a publisher instead of a writer.† It hurt because he was questioning my identity, but even more so because I was afraid he was right. I knew I needed to start the next round of revisions on the novel. I knew I needed to create some fresh fiction and get back into the habit of writing every day. I knew all of this had to happen if I was going to progress and succeed, but never in a thousand years had I imagined myself as anything but a writer. Even when I wasn’t actively writing, I still considered myself a writer, not an illustrator. I had been a writer when I was five and wrote my first story: â€Å"How a Butterfly got its Colors.† I ceased being a writer for exactly four months in college when I wanted to be a psychologist because I found it fascinating and thought I could make a decent living. Then a creative writing course I took cured me of my desire to make money and revived my craving to write. Maybe someday I’ll go back to psychology and look into a fascinating field called Narrative Therapies, but, for today, all I truly want to do is put words on the page and bring wonder and emotion to readers. This then, I decided, is what it meant to be a successful writer: to put words on the page. It does not mean you put 500 words into your novel every day, no excuses, no breaks. No, it means that when the story grabs you and demands your attention, you listen, and you give it an outlet. Sometimes I go a couple months without creating new fiction, but in the meantime I am working on promotional materials, querying materials, submission applications, graphic designs for my stories, or looking for new readers. There is more to being a writer than your daily word count, or even your monthly word count. Some (very few) people are blessed to be able to be full time writers, but they are rare. Most of us must be content with fitting in a few hours here or there over a coffee while we wait for a meeting with the boss at our day-jobs, or late at night during NaNoWriMo when we feel like we’re connected to the whole world writing together. And it can pay off. All of those stolen moments and pages, all those times where I put down the computer and despaired of being able to drag new words out of my skull, working around day-jobs and freelancing and health concerns, I can stand in front of you today and say â€Å"I am a writer,† and believe it to my core. Because I chose to reject his definition of being a writer and have embraced my own, I have brought two books to the market, I have had several short stories in journals and anthologies, including one that was featured on NPR, and I have a novel coming out with a traditional publisher this summer, all because I didn’t let someone else define me. I chose to believe I was a writer no matter what else was happening in my life, and that made all of it possible. A Writer’s Identity - Freewrite Store This is a guest post by Rebecca A. Demarest. Rebecca is an award-winning book designer, author, and technical illustrator living in Seattle, WA with her bacon-sharing husband and a temperamental cat named Cat. Her novel,Less Than Charming, is available for pre-order through March 15th on Indiegogo, and will be launching from Parkhurst Brothers Publishing, Inc. on May 1st 2016. For more information on her work, please visit her website. Several years ago, as we were getting ready for bed, my (now ex-) boyfriend turned to me with: â€Å"You know, since you keep putting off working on your novel, I’m going to have to start introducing you as a publisher instead of a writer.† Instinctively, I corrected him. â€Å"Illustrator, not publisher.† That’s what I did all day- I drew diagrams for computer programs at a tech publisher. Even though I automatically corrected his title gaffe, it cut me to the quick that he no longer considered me a writer. But I knew he was right; that part of my identity seemed to have started slipping away sometime after obtaining my MFA. I had immersed myself in several rounds of editing on my novel nà ©e thesis and after all the work I had done editing and revising and rewriting, I finally sent out the query letters, but the response I was hoping for never came. It was a good experience for me as several agents gave me useful feedback instead of form rejections, but it was also depressing, because they all pointed out a major flaw that none of my previous readers had even touched on. Apparently, though they all adored the setting and the story, they just could not connect with my main character as he was presented to them at the beginning of the manuscript and I had no idea how to go about fixing that fact.   Under the pretext of trying to figure out how to fix my novel, I stopped writing. I’m a very methodical writer and I spend a lot of time planning before I begin, so it seemed logical to me to take a step back to analyze what I had and what was missing. I shelved the novel and moved forward with the rest of my life while I contemplated the changes. At first it was just the novel itself that went untouched. Then it was my blog. I had started the blog for two reasons: to force myself into creating new fiction once a week, and to praise or rant about books that I had been reading so my friends didn’t have to hear me talk about them over and over. But then life and my health got in the way and I was running around trying to get everything done and diagnosed before work, after work, during work and my self-motivated, deadline-free writing took the hit. I stopped writing anything. So, after an evening of hanging out with his friends, he said to me, â€Å"You know, if you keep putting off working on your novel, I’m going to have to start introducing you as a publisher instead of a writer.† It hurt because he was questioning my identity, but even more so because I was afraid he was right. I knew I needed to start the next round of revisions on the novel. I knew I needed to create some fresh fiction and get back into the habit of writing every day. I knew all of this had to happen if I was going to progress and succeed, but never in a thousand years had I imagined myself as anything but a writer. Even when I wasn’t actively writing, I still considered myself a writer, not an illustrator. I had been a writer when I was five and wrote my first story: â€Å"How a Butterfly got its Colors.† I ceased being a writer for exactly four months in college when I wanted to be a psychologist because I found it fascinating and thought I could make a decent living. Then a creative writing course I took cured me of my desire to make money and revived my craving to write. Maybe someday I’ll go back to psychology and look into a fascinating field called Narrative Therapies, but, for today, all I truly want to do is put words on the page and bring wonder and emotion to readers. This then, I decided, is what it meant to be a successful writer: to put words on the page. It does not mean you put 500 words into your novel every day, no excuses, no breaks. No, it means that when the story grabs you and demands your attention, you listen, and you give it an outlet. Sometimes I go a couple months without creating new fiction, but in the meantime I am working on promotional materials, querying materials, submission applications, graphic designs for my stories, or looking for new readers. There is more to being a writer than your daily word count, or even your monthly word count. Some (very few) people are blessed to be able to be full time writers, but they are rare. Most of us must be content with fitting in a few hours here or there over a coffee while we wait for a meeting with the boss at our day-jobs, or late at night during NaNoWriMo when we feel like we’re connected to the whole world writing together. And it can pay off. All of those stolen moments and pages, all those times where I put down the computer and despaired of being able to drag new words out of my skull, working around day-jobs and freelancing and health concerns, I can stand in front of you today and say â€Å"I am a writer,† and believe it to my core. Because I chose to reject his definition of being a writer and have embraced my own, I have brought two books to the market, I have had several short stories in journals and anthologies, including one that was featured on NPR, and I have a novel coming out with a traditional publisher this summer, all because I didn’t let someone else define me. I chose to believe I was a writer no matter what else was happening in my life, and that made all of it possible.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Book Report from List Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Book Report from List - Essay Example that began with the New Hampshire Primary on the 1st of June to the eve of the elections in November 1972, Crouse assembled his observations into a series of articles that became the basis for the book. The book became an instant best-seller. Surprisingly, it was the only book that Crouse wrote. Soon after, he dabbled in freelance writing, spending some time as Esquire’s Washington correspondent, before going into his real love: writing for the theater. The son of well-known Broadway producer Russell Crouse, whose credits include â€Å"Sound of Music†, â€Å"Life with Father†, and â€Å"Call Me Madam†, and the brother of respected actress Lindsay Crouse, Timothy left journalism in the 1980s and ventured into playwriting. The captivating narrative of the book highlights Crouse’s storytelling talent. Combining real-life drama with humor, he painted an amusing portrait of the main characters – the journalists, media supporters, and the candidates – on the campaign bus. The bus was a mere metaphor for the closed, cozy, and clubby group of journalists on the campaign trail, but it projects a precise picture of the riotous, fun, and chaotic feel of a school bus packed with a bunch of immature, eccentric, and hyperactive kids. Crouse’s book sheds a theatrical light on the dramatic aspects of U.S. history in the making. By using as backdrops for his story-telling Nixon’s desperate re-election drive until his political blunder at Watergate, and McGovern’s futile campaign to put up a worthy challenge, Crouse chronicles the minds and characters of the people who tell the stories to America and the whole world. At the same time, he also presents an image of America at a crossroads, caught in the maelstrom of civil unrest at home, a bloody war in Vietnam, and a cold war with Communist Russia. The journalists that covered the elections moved around like wolves, giving rise to the term pack journalism that marks much of the craft’s contemporary practice,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Summarize the main points Griffin, Khan and Ickowitz make in favor of Assignment

Summarize the main points Griffin, Khan and Ickowitz make in favor of redistributive land reforms - Assignment Example In addition, the authors argue the redistribution land reform of the twentieth century developed a broader vision of land reforms in 1920’s and 1970’s. Land Reform is considered to an effective effort to overcome the unequal distribution of the allocation of the land ownership and the use of rights. Land policies have historically played a significant role to shape experience of different countries (Griffin and Khan). Griffin and Khan (reviews the previous argument and compares it with the contemporary land reform policies. In addition, the author favor redistributive land reform on the bases of segmented factor market and labor control systems. Similarly, Ray elaborates economical benefits and significances of the land reforms in the contemporary times. In the article, he draws attention of the reader towards the unequal distribution of land that has a major obstacle in the development of economy. In addition, the author highlights economic efficiency in agriculture through political, environmental and economic perspectives (Ray). Analyzing the both article, it shall be noted that both authors have highlighted importance of the redistributive land reforms. Griffin and Khan highlights the significance to the issue through discussing the historical issues (Griffin and Khan). It further incorporates arguments throughout the time to develop a broader understanding towards the land reform (Griffin and Khan). I believe the statistical and historical data and information provides a brief understanding towards the issues. Ray illustrates the importance of equal distribution of land as a source of economic growth and prosperity. Ray focuses on the effective and maximizing output of the land, as a social, environment and economical prosperity (Ray). I believe the article develops importance and significance of the issue with the economical aspect. It associates unequal distribution of land market as an important element for the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Gender Representation - Boardwalk Empire Essay Example for Free

Gender Representation Boardwalk Empire Essay As a hybrid genre, the representations in Boardwalk Empire are complex, contradictory, unconventional, conventional and stereotypical, whilst challenge stereotypes. Set in the 1920’s during prohibition, Nucky is a corrupt Republican politician and gangster, who has risen to his position through bribery, corruption, and murder. The series begins as prohibition begins, with Nucky toasting the government who ban alcohol; â€Å"†¦to those beautiful ignorant bastards in Washington†. As a gangster, Nucky knows he can make millions by supplying illegal alcohol to the public and is portrayed as a businessman, making money for all the ‘respectable’ local dignitaries that sit around his table; the chief of police (his brother Ely), the mayor, the head of the port authority, local Politicians, etc. He sees an opportunity through the prohibition to increase his fortune. There is a lot of juxtapositioning in the first episode to show us the various sides of Nucky, as a violent alcohol heist is followed by Nucky addressing a Ladies’ Temperance Society. Nucky weaves a myth of his own childhood of poverty, catching rats for his family to eat, to the gasps of the audience. Embodying the American Dream, Nucky has ‘risen’ from very humble beginnings to be top man in the state, he is merely seeking the ‘women’s vote’ for his Political re-election and often shows their ignorance of world politics proves them an easy mark for manipulation to gain full power over the Atlantic City. Nucky is a complex protagonist and anti-hero who is both despicable and admirable. He is obviously very clever, charming, funny, calculating, ruthless, and a skilful businessman and gangster. He juggles a legal political life with his illegal prohibition life, dealing with a constant flurry of unexpected problems as they arise. He manipulates people in ways that should make audiences hate him but Steve Buscemi (and the writers) manages to portray him as a complex character that seeks more than just money. The low camera angles throughout help suggesting Nucky is a very powerful figure in the drama. The power wield of woman in Boardwalk Empire is largely associated with sex, and furthermore this power of woman is represented through the male characters using it against eachother. For example Gillian Darmody, mother of gangster: Jimmy Darmody and a topless dancer in the city, plays a pivotal role when she sleeps with a rival gangster: Luciano in order to detain him until he can be collected and dealt with. Her sexual power is turned to the gangsters own advantage. Lucy Daziger is another key representation of sexual power and woman in Boardwalk Empire. She is the beautiful mol and mistress of Nucky who is often a negative representation of woman – dismissed constantly in favour of Nucky’s political and illegal life. She is objectified by him and others and is kept at his beck and call. During an evening at dinner with others, Lucy insists she has a brain but is quietened by Nucky, and we see Lucy has no place for opinion at the dinner with the Commodore in terms of politics. When Nucky rejects Lucy, he favours Margaret, because she is intelligent and sees her more as an equal for example at the same dinner Margaret expresses deep knowledge and understanding of politics. Lucy is extremely jealous of Margaret as Nucky clearly shows more affection for her, which is unconventional as Lucy is the beautiful mistress, often seeming powerful, Margaret is the opposite.. Margaret is the other key representation in the drama as she challenges the notion of ‘the little woman’ throughout the series. An Irish immigrant, clever, brave, and moral (but racked by guilt), her motives are often those of a protective Mother. Initially established as naive and unsophisticated, particularly by her dowdy dress codes i. colour codes are very dull: browns, greens, her deferential body-language, and her thick Irish accent, she is represented as a weak, ordinary and poor woman. For example her dress codes of poor clothing often lacking in quality, and colour. Margaret grows in confidence throughout the seasons, as her and Nucky begin a relationship. An Irish immigrant she is wise beyond her years, Margaret quickly becomes versed in the dealings of her â€Å"husba nd† and becomes a supportive and protective ‘wife’ for his chaotic life. In her previous marriage Margaret was represented in a weak and negative way enduring endless beatings from her husband Hans. An incident of abuse had caused Margaret to miscarry her 4th child, and so Nucky ordered to have Hans murdered. Margaret knows of this but chooses to remain silent for the benefit of herself and her kids, later racked with Catholic guilt over the murder, their life, and their source of income. Nucky proceeds to live with her and her children, becoming a sensitive father figure to the kids, and a loving ‘husband’ to her.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Political Cartoons and Republicans :: essays research papers fc

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Republican Party was founded by a coalition in 1854 and was comprised of former members of the Whig, Free-Soil, and Know-Nothing parties. The slavery issue shattered America’s established political landscape and catapulted the Republicans from what seemed like nowhere straight into the White House in 1860. After Fremont’s attempt at winning the presidency in 1856, Lincoln won the election four years later, cementing the Republican Party’s desire for executive power. In the aftermath of the Civil War, the United States found itself politically gridlocked. Neither the newly formed Republicans nor the Democrats were able to gain much traction. The decades after the Civil War saw some of the closest and most controversial races in American history. The Rutherford B. Hayes commissioned election victory is a great example as he had fewer popular votes than Sam Tilden, but won the election under the guise of the Electoral College. The 1888 electi on was also very close, as less than 100,000 votes separated the leading candidates; Benjamin Harrison again won by the rules of the electoral process but lost the popular vote. During the Gilded Age of American history, the mainstream political scene was superficial and intensely partisan, but the regular Joe loved it. â€Å"Despite the lack of issues,† writes Morton Keller, â€Å"balloting – and straight ticket voting – in the 1870’s and 1880’s was at or near the highest level in American history.† He also contends that policy had become subordinate to â€Å"the sumptuous display† of parades, bonfires, and pep rallies. Accompanying this era of political advertisement and propaganda, the political system itself depended upon a spoils and patronage allowance, which gave rise to political corruption.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Political cartoons and mass media grew up with the end of the Civil War as well. As Harper’s weekly, Judge, Puck, and the New York World all competed for popular acceptance, they helped reform the political corruption of the time. After the critical election of 1896, the nature of party conflict changed. The close competition between the parties in the post Civil War period was replaced by Republican dominance. Mckinley’s defeat of William Jennings Bryan in 1896 and 1900 was followed by Republican victories in every presidential election until 1932, except for Woodrow Wilson’s victories in 1912 and 1916. This will be explored later. As the Republicans also controlled Congress from 1896 to 1930, except for during Wilson’s tenure, they were dominant everywhere but the South.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Experience The Arts Essay

Art has a huge impact in making our lives endlessly rich. I can’t imagine, only for a moment, a world without art in light of the fact that art have such an effect on design from our most loved features. Moreover, art invigorates distinctive parts of our brains to make us giggle or prompt us to uproar, with an entire range of feelings in the middle. Art also provides for us an approach to be inventive and convey what needs be. For some individuals, art is the whole reason they get up in the morning. You could say, art is something that makes us more mindful and balanced people. Then again, it is such an expansive piece of our regular lives that we might scarcely even stop to consider. Our shoes could be look as art, as well as our clothing. General all utilitarian configuration is art. Art normally includes correspondence. Ostensibly, specialists need individuals with whom they can impart their observations. At the point when Art and people associate, numerous conceivable outc omes emerge. As an admirer of the specialty of dance it has dependably been something I delighted in viewing or enjoyed as an adolescent. In spite of the fact that dance was a sublime past time I never feel in adoration with it until I encountered another manifestation of workmanship called praise dancing. Praise Dance is a type of formal or profound dance, it is a manifestation of move in which the attention is on love. Acclaim dance experts utilize their bodies to help express the expression and soul of God. Praise Dance is actually considered by numerous places of worship to be a satisfactory manifestation of Christian articulation, as well as being regularly utilized before  assemblies to make energizing and enthusiastic environments. In some cases praise dance can be a piece of a greater generation in which a whole story is told. Praise dance, rather than different manifestations of love move, is commonly performed to a much quicker and energetic music rhythm. The dancers express the music by waving their arms over their heads, applauding uncontrollably, influencing their bodies, and moving their heads to the mu sic. It can also be an interpretation of delight that uses the human body to extend, which are express with both their bodies and their confronts, illuminating their gathering of people with the delight they feel inside their souls. When praise dance is my presence my body would shivers; while tears role down my eyes, on the grounds that they were hitting the dance floor with such power, and the message they were yielding was compelling. Besides, the entertainers were serving and worshiping through move and welcoming the crowd to give love to the lord. Praise dance definitely have to be the most excellent critical experience of art I have ever felt on the grounds that it brought me into an alternate measurement, one where I had an otherworldly involvement with a higher force. Therefore, I will always cherish those moments, since it was truly the most true, genuine, and most alive experience I have had in my life. Praise dance is in fact extraordinary, enthusiasm and daring, for one self to express an unforgiving approach to acquire art it really bring out art in undiscovered spots. I am truly convinced and idealistic that praise dance will attract individuals in a great big form of art, which would inspires, encourages and uplifts humanity all around the world. Reference: Sporre, D. J. (2013). Reality Through the Arts (8th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Strength of Weak Ties

Here I would like to emphasize a bit on Social Capital. Social capital according to me is the pool of ties that a person encompasses during his lifetime including strong and weak ties. Persons with higher social capital are bound to be better off with greater health and general well being. Social capital helps to leverage the people we communicate with for the benefit of our shared and individual interest. We can relate this with a famous punch line – â€Å"I scratch your back, you scratch mine. The basic hypothesis of Granovetter’s work is that our acquaintances play a very important part in connecting different networks to one another. A personal example which I would like to share is that I have around 30 very closely knitted friends and family members and about 300 odd acquaintances. These acquaintances are comprised of my old classmates, co-workers and some friends through social networking groups. In the digital world these are friends connected through facebook, LinkedIn, orkut etc. Personally speaking it makes sense that in some cases my family and my close knitted friends are best suited to provide me with quality options and choices. For the most part I believe this is true under certain circumstances during personal care when I am sick or when I need advice for some personal decisions in life. But when it comes to looking out for a job the theory comes true to life. I would be naturally tapping my network of acquaintances and assuming I have a good amount of social capital in my network, I would be more likely be presented with more opportunities than my family and close knitted friends. Another example explaining the theory of weak ties is between the social networks existing in this globe. We can take an example of how LinkedIn is different from Facebook and why that difference matters. Weak ties are the social â€Å"degrees of separation† beyond the people we actually know. Facebook primarily is about knowing who you know, connecting with people who are already in your social circle. In my experience it does little to help you develop weak ties and it does nothing to introduce you to people you do not know. There is an interesting paradox that Facebook, perhaps, reinforces our stereotypes, because we are just getting content from our mostly like minded friends. LinkedIn by contrast, is about helping people expand their circles and improve their opportunities. LinkedIn has been slower to take off because it is a harder â€Å"get. † Beyond being a resume building site, why do I need this? If I'm not looking for a job or to find sales leads, why bother? Once you look at it from a content perspective, however, the benefit becomes clearer. Those â€Å"weak ties† provide you with â€Å"micro-nutrients† that your â€Å"strong ties† may not. Further investigation into the analogy of strong and weak bonds in physics is warranted, but the most immediate application in terms of content strategy is the serendipitous model of magazine content. If we consider content that a reader is looking for (through a Google search, for instance) to be strongly bonded, then the content they find along the way (in sidebars and various â€Å"asides† to use the html5 term) are weakly bonded. Magazines have always created content environments where their readers discover new things—and some of those things are advertisements. This serendipity of discovery is key to the pleasure of magazine reading and the financial success of the magazine business, but it has not translated all that well online. To end my observations I completely agree with this theory however I would like to bring an important aspect that a perfectly balanced strong and weaker ties help an individual to do the best and for the society at large. Thanks & Best Regards Pranav

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Make Your Team CoSchedule Power Users In No Time

How to Make Your Team Power Users In No Time Marketing demand is heating up. According to Content Marketing Institute, 70% of marketers expected to create more content  at the start of 2017. Demand for infographics has skyrocketed by 800%. These numbers add up to one thing: marketing teams are busy. To manage everything and collaborate effectively, we need the right tools to facilitate our best work. That’s why marketers come to . We’ve strategically built our platform to support every piece of the marketing process and empower teams to plan, produce, and promote everything in one place. Whether you’re a writer, designer, or project manager, we’ve got your back. However, sometimes, teams need assistance learning how to use all our features to their full potential (and honestly, that’s a common concern for marketing SaaS tools across the board). Enter this guide. Over the course of this post, we’ll explore how to use as your all-in-one marketing management platform. We’ll guide you through the entire process, from planning to execution, and show you exactly how to use important features to get more work done. How to Make Your Team Power Users In No TimeBefore You Begin: Get Free For 14 Days Trying to learn a new tool can be a total headache. Put the Aspirin away, though, because we’re about to take you on a guided tour of how to use like a power user. You’re about to learn (in super awesome detail) how to leverage the platform for maximum productivity and efficiency. We’ll walk through how to configure and use your entire calendar with your team (and might even dig into some features you didn’t know existed). But before we can do that, you’ve gotta get your hands on a free trial. Sign up free for 14 days, and then we’ll show you how to make the most of your two-week demo. Table of Contents: Team Onboarding Basic Account Setup Marketing Ideation Creating Content Using Without WordPress Scheduling Content Scheduling Social Media Posts Content Curation Chrome Extension Mobile App Reporting AutomationTeam Onboarding: One Platform for Every Team Member makes it easy to coordinate your entire marketing team in one platform. But first, you need to actually onboard all your team members. Visit your Settings page and select Team at the top: Next, click Invite Team Member: You’ll then be prompted to invite them via email. Enter their email address and select their role: Admin: Has total power over your account. Be careful about handing out admin powers. User: Can add and edit items on your calendar. Keep going until you’ve added everyone on your team who needs access. That might include: Writers to craft content and copy that demands to be read. Designers to create visual content that catches attention and pulls in audiences. Strategists who determine what you’re doing to do (and why) in the first place. Developers who make coding magic happen behind the scenes. Analysts who use math (which, to many creatives, may as well be actual magic) to measure performance (whether you like what the numbers say or not). Project managers (AKA professional cat herders) who keep everyone listed above in line and on task. Recommended Reading: How to Improve Your Teams Review Process With Task Approvals Basic Account Setup Once your team is in the tool, its time to configure some custom settings. This will help make sure your calendar is organized in a way everyone will understand right off the bat. Add Custom Content Types Now, your team is probably going to be working on all kinds of content and projects. To keep everything clearly organized, we can create custom content types on our calendar. We’ll create one for every type of project you’ll typically take on. Go into your settings and find Content Types: Now, you can either select predefined content types from the dropdown: Or, you can create your own custom types of content (if there isn’t an option available that you need): Click Create New: Then, enter a name: Next, click the downward pointing arrow to choose a custom icon: Click Save, and you’ll see your new content type added to your list: Keep adding content types until you’ve got everything you need. Set Up Saved Filter Views Not everyone on your calendar necessarily needs to see everything going on. If that’s the case for you, set up Saved Filter Views. These are filtered views that display only what each team member needs to access. They’re easy to set up, too. Start by clicking the funnel in the upper left: Next, use the dropdown menus to select the criteria for what you need to see on your calendar: Click Save as New, and you’re set! Recommended Reading: The Most Effective + Amazing Way to Organize Your Marketing Campaigns Add Custom Color Labels to Sort Projects on Your Calendar When you have a lot of projects floating around on your calendar, keeping them all straight can get tough. This is where Custom Color Labels become essential. Head back to your settings and scroll down to Color Labels: Next, enter in project or content types for each color label: Need more colors (or want more options)? No problem! Select â€Å"Add a custom label† and you can choose from tons more colors and shades: Now, when you add projects onto your calendar, you can select colors to help visually sort them: Here’s how things look after we’ve created a few pieces of content and labelled them how we want: Now, anyone looking at the calendar can clearly see these are three different types of content, based on the color. The busier your calendar gets, the more this is going to help, too. Get Even More Filtering Control With Tags To get more granular with how you control and organize content on your calendar, pick a piece of content and enter tags in the upper left by typing +, followed by your tag: Now, this gives you another layer of control when setting up saved filter views: Now, Let’s Do Some Work: Ideation Now you have your calendar structurally set up to support everyone on your team. Next, let’s walk through how your team can use to produce a real project. For demonstration purposes, let’s say you’re working on a series of blog posts. Your first step is to work through the ideation phase. One common brainstorming process we recommend at involves three steps: 10 minutes spent silently brainstorming ideas. 10 minutes scoring those ideas on a 3-point scale (3 = Awesome, 1 = Total Dud). 10 minutes filtering ideas scored 3 and selecting the ones you’ll actually create. Our CEO and co-founder Garrett Moon and I discuss how this process works in this video: Now, once you have a ton of ideas, where should they go? If you’re using Evernote, you can easily stash them all in a shared note your whole team can access: Next, add your corresponding Evernote notebook in . Click Evernote on the right-hand side of your calendar: Next, select your notebook: Now, you’ll have access to your notes with all your ideas within : Convenient, right? Recommended Reading: Connect Your Evernote Content With Your Marketing Calendar [New Features] Creating Content on Your Calendar Now that we have a ton of ideas, let’s start placing them on the calendar. Click the plus sign on any day on your calendar: Then select your content or project type. For demonstration purposes, we’ll create a Blog Post: Enter in your headline and a description (and any tags that might help you find this later): Select the corresponding custom color label and add an owner for this content, too: Next, click Create Blog Post and you’ll see the following screen: Looks like everything is (nearly) ready to go! Next, let’s pick a content editor we want to use. Our options are: Text Editor: This is a built-in text editor in . File: Or, we can upload a Microsoft Word file. Google Docs: Makes it easy to collaborate with your team on one draft. Evernote: See above. WordPress: If you click More, you’ll see an option to directly create a WordPress draft (if you prefer to write straight in WordPress). If you choose Text Editor, File, Google Docs, or Evernote, you can convert your file into a WordPress post, PDF, or HTML file too. No matter how you’re going to publish your content, there’s an option to support your workflow. Recommended Reading: Learn How to Supercharge Your Workflows With Adding Task Templates Before we start writing our post though, let’s create a Task Template. Task Templates are what we call reusable checklists in . They help make sure you consistently complete every project the right way (and they do some other cool stuff too). Start by clicking the Task Template Picker in the upper right: Then, select New Template: Enter a name for your template (pick something relevant): Next, enter the first task you’ll need to complete in your process for creating this content: For each task, you’ll need to schedule a deadline for that step to be completed: And also assign a team member who will be responsible for that task. Click Assign and pick a team member: Keep adding steps until you’ve built a complete checklist with each step you’ll need. Once you’ve done that, click Close and your Task Template will be available to you anytime you need it: Next, let’s find and apply our completed Task Template: You’ll notice that everyone assigned a task on your Task Template will appear under the Team Members tab. You can find that tab here: Click into it, and you can see everyone working on this piece of content (or add more people as necessary by clicking the plus sign): Once that’s set up, let click the middle column on the left to find our Discussion tab: Here, you can keep a running discussion thread with your team. You can also attach files and leave notes relevant to this piece of content. That could include things like keyword research data, links to sources, or anything else that might be helpful to remember: Now, each time a team member checks off a task, the completion percentage will tick up: When you switch back to the calendar view, you’ll see your completion percentage there, too. This makes it easy to monitor progress quickly when scanning tons of content pieces at once: Scheduling Content: Look Ma, No Hands! One problem with static content calendars is they can’t publish your content for you automatically. Fortunately, isn’t a static calendar. If your WordPress blog is connected to , you can set up every post to publish automatically. That means no more having to remember to copy and paste anything into a CMS from a spreadsheet or doc somewhere. First, connect your WordPress Blog here: Then, follow the onscreen prompts to integrate WordPress using: The Plugin Installer. Or, connect manually using the gallery install process. Once complete, you’ll be able to access WordPress content either using the web app or WordPress plugin. What If I Don’t Use WordPress? Don’t worry! We haven’t totally left you high and dry. If you use another popular platform like SquareSpace, you can still use to manage your content projects (you just won’t be able to automate your publishing through ). Here are a couple great guides to get you started: How I Use With Squarespace How to Use Without WordPress (Demo Video) Schedule Social Media Posts Like a Boss Once you’ve created some awesome content, you’ll want to share it with the world on social media, right? brings content and social together to make that process seamless. Hit up your Social Profiles at the top of your screen: Then, click Connect a Social Profile: Next, connect the channels you’d like: In order to track traffic from social media, you’ll need to integrate with your Google Analytics and accounts. Fortunately, this is super easy, too. Go to Settings and click Integrations. Then, scroll down to and Google Analytics: Clicking Connect to will prompt you to (you guessed it) connect your account: Clicking Enable under Google Analytics Tracking automatically adds UTM tags to every social media post you publish through . This makes them easily trackable in Google Analytics. Follow this guide to create a custom dashboard in Google Analytics  to measure social performance. Recommended Reading: How to Build a Marketing Report Template Quickly (Free Template) What If I Want to Create Stand-Alone Social Media Posts and Campaigns? We’re not about to tell you the only way to do social media marketing is to share content you’ve created. What about curated content? What about creative social content that doesn’t always link back to your site? What about coordinated campaigns that direct to website or landing pages (rather than WordPress posts)? We’ve got all that (and more) covered. To create a single post, click a day on your calendar and click Social Message in the lower left: Next, select a network: Pick your post type (Text, Image, Video, or Link) and write your post content: If you choose Image, you’ll need to add in a graphic by clicking the camera icon: Then, either click to upload a file or drag one into the window. Finally, you’ll need to select: Date: The day you want this post to publish. Time: You can either choose this manually or let Best Time Scheduling in pick the optimal time for you. Status: Select Draft for a work in progress, Pending Review if someone needs to approve this post before it publishes, or Scheduled to have it post at your selected time. Once you click Add Message, you’ll see the post on your calendar: And hovering over it will give you a preview: If you don’t want every social post visible on your calendar, bounce back to Calendar Settings and toggle them off: Boom! Creating a complete social media campaign requires a different process, but it’s still easy. Click a day on your calendar and select Social Campaign: Give your campaign a title, color label, and select an owner: Click Create Social Campaign and click into the plus signs to create each post: If you want to select your own dates rather than use the pre-filled suggested schedule, use Custom Date for each post: Then, using Task Templates and Task Approvals, your boss or client can approve the campaign after reviewing it: Curate Content Quickly With the Chrome Extension What if you find an awesome piece of content somewhere on the web that you know your audience would love? Add it to your calendar fast using the free Chrome extension. First, add it to your browser (assuming you’re using Chrome) from the Chrome Store: Next, you’ll see the extension in your browser: When you find an awesome piece of content you want to share, click the extension. You’ll be asked to pick a calendar to share it onto (in case you have multiple calendars): Then, you’ll pick your networks, edit your post copy, and schedule the post. This process is the same as scheduling any other social post: Click Add Message, and you’re done. Simple as that. Recommended Reading: How to Curate Content For Social Media to Help Boost Your Reach Manage Social Media With the Mobile App What if you need to do social marketing on the go? Like, say you’re commuting on the train and an important post needs editing. Or, there’s a social media crisis while you’re out of the office. We’ve got you covered with our mobile app. Check out this demo video to see how it works: Then, grab it on the App Store (iOS)  or from Google Play (Android). Automate Content + Social + Team Performance Reporting Building reports manually isn’t exactly fun. Witnessing the magic of ’s built-in reporting features, though? Mind-blowing every time. Start by finding the Analytics panel on the left-hand side of your calendar: Next, you’ll see the three reporting options below: Let’s walk through what each of these can do. Did you know includes robust built-in analytics features?Top Content Reports Which content is most popular on social media? That’s what your Top Content Report tells you. Find all your hottest content in one place and filter it by type, team member, and time frame: If it’s content and you’ve shared it using , you can track it:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Write the Nonfiction Book Proposal Before Writing the Book

Write the Nonfiction Book Proposal Before Writing the Book I finished a manuscript, set it aside for a month, then read it again. But I never even tried to publish it. Why not? Because as brilliant as it was (well, I thought so and so did my mother), it was doomed because it had no point. The book, overflowing with insightful arguments and powerfully constructed sentences, was like a new pencil whose value lies not in what it is but in what it will do for a buyer. Without a point, neither pencils nor books have much reason to inspire their purchase. I should have considered that before I wrote even one chapter. The commercial value of what we write must not be an afterthought. That is why nonfiction publishers require a book proposal and why you should, too, even when youre the publisher. We write a book proposal to convince our publisher (and ourselves) that this book is a good idea and promises to be a good seller. The details, features, and benefits of the book discovered while writing the proposal will be the core components of your marketing campaign, so it accomplishes two things at one time. Looking at our idea through the lens of reality, the proposal asks and answers three compelling questions. Can this book find a market? Will it appeal to that market? Does it have what it takes to sell? Why a book proposal? 1.          Because we take our time and talent seriously. We cant afford to squander valuable time on a doomed project. We write to make money. Writing something for which there is no market, or for a market that is too small or that will not or cannot pay makes no sense. 2.         To find the angle. It defines how your book differs from other books in the genre. 3.         To establish why we are the best person to write it. We tend to exaggerate or underestimate ourselves. A book proposal establishes and clarifies our qualifications. 4.         To ensure there is a marketable point.   Nonfiction readers only buy solutions, answers, or fulfillment. What problem does my book solve? What question does it answer? What dream does it fulfill? 5.         To think in specific terms. WHAT will I write? WHO will read it? WHAT will it do for those readers? WHERE can they be found online and offline? HOW do I get to them? HOW do I help them find me? HOW do I convince them to buy my book? 6.         To create an action plan. All the data in the world does little good unless it forms into a plan. Publishers demand one, and if you are the publisher, you should demand one, too. Promotion and marketing reach buyers. The plan considers how to find them and how to persuade them. Whats in a book proposal?  ¦    Overview  ¦    Marketing Promotion Plan  ¦    Competing Books  ¦    Authors

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Speaker evaluation memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Speaker evaluation memo - Essay Example upon the use of hand gestures and the means by which hand position to have a powerful impact with regard to the way in which a particular speaker is understood. Accordingly, it is the hope of this particular author that the following discussion will provide a useful and effective level of analysis with respect to some of the key points that Steve Bavister made within his video. Firstly, it is relevant and true that a speaker who does not utilize effective hand positioning or movement risks losing the interest for attention of the audience. Moreover, as the speaker notes, effective hand positioning and gesturing is an added way in which information can be conveyed in a non-verbal format. Yet, in much the same way that effective use of hand gesturing can help to engage the audience, ineffective or nonexistent gesturing can have it is equally detrimental effect (Bavister 1:06-1:19). For instance, the speaker noted that holding one’s hands behind the back could have a particularly negative connotations for many individuals within the audience; as they might in for this to mean that A) speaker has something that he/she is attempting to conceal B) that it is reflective of a military background and could negatively impact the power dynamics that are represented with respect to whatever discussion is being had and C) such a posture appears unnatural and sti ff. For all of these reasons, the reader can relevantly understand that body language, posture, and hand positioning has a profound impact with respect to the nonverbal cues that a particular audience might receive from the speaker (Goldin-Meadow and Alibali 261). By much the same token, holding one’s hands and placing them in front is disparaged by Steve Bavister due to the fact that it appears as if the individual is attempting to cover their genitals or that they are in fact in and overly defensive mode. Similarly, crossing one’s arms across the chest can either denote that the individual is not willing to