Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Summarize the main points Griffin, Khan and Ickowitz make in favor of Assignment

Summarize the main points Griffin, Khan and Ickowitz make in favor of redistributive land reforms - Assignment Example In addition, the authors argue the redistribution land reform of the twentieth century developed a broader vision of land reforms in 1920’s and 1970’s. Land Reform is considered to an effective effort to overcome the unequal distribution of the allocation of the land ownership and the use of rights. Land policies have historically played a significant role to shape experience of different countries (Griffin and Khan). Griffin and Khan (reviews the previous argument and compares it with the contemporary land reform policies. In addition, the author favor redistributive land reform on the bases of segmented factor market and labor control systems. Similarly, Ray elaborates economical benefits and significances of the land reforms in the contemporary times. In the article, he draws attention of the reader towards the unequal distribution of land that has a major obstacle in the development of economy. In addition, the author highlights economic efficiency in agriculture through political, environmental and economic perspectives (Ray). Analyzing the both article, it shall be noted that both authors have highlighted importance of the redistributive land reforms. Griffin and Khan highlights the significance to the issue through discussing the historical issues (Griffin and Khan). It further incorporates arguments throughout the time to develop a broader understanding towards the land reform (Griffin and Khan). I believe the statistical and historical data and information provides a brief understanding towards the issues. Ray illustrates the importance of equal distribution of land as a source of economic growth and prosperity. Ray focuses on the effective and maximizing output of the land, as a social, environment and economical prosperity (Ray). I believe the article develops importance and significance of the issue with the economical aspect. It associates unequal distribution of land market as an important element for the

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