Sunday, December 8, 2019

Device Free Time And Work-Life Balance †

Question: Discuss about the Device Free Time And Work-Life Balance. Answer: Introduction The notion of the work-life balance had been introduced during the mid-19th century and besides balancing work-life, the idea of individual pleasure emerged with the introduction of the word leisure during the Industrial era (Harvard Business Review, 2018). Device free time such as spending quality times with family, talking with closed ones proved advantageous. The thesis statement is that device free time is as important as balancing work-life as it helps in reducing stress and provides leisure. Discussion In the present day, with the advance of modern technology people started struggling to maintain a balance life between technology and work life and decided to switch to device free life for more pleasure. Accordingly there are various benefits of device free time such as it helps in spending quality times with the families and closed ones without getting involved into technology (Pontes, Szabo Griffiths, 2015). Spending time with families helps in creating stronger bonds, can engage in various family activities and moreover family helps in dealing stressful situation with more ease. As per the report it has been showed that 50% of the individuals like spending time with their families more than spending time with technology (Coontz, 2016). Apart from this, device free time helps in nurturing positive behaviours within individuals by spending more time with families. Apart from this, device free time also encourage face to face communication, as majority of the people relies on techn ology to communicate with others; hence this widens the gap between individuals (Derks Bakker, 2014). Therefore, it is important to have device free time to initiate two-way conversation, as this will help to improve their social skills. It is also important to note that as work-life balance helps in providing better and healthy lifestyles to people as it helps in reducing burnouts, increases mindfulness. Similarly device free time tends to achieve all these things in a better way. People in the present days tend to more time on devices; therefore it is important for individuals to have more device free time (Mamatha, Hanakeri Aminabhavi, 2016). Once a day without the internet, helps in bringing positive changes among the individuals as individuals can devote their times on various activities that include spending time on sports, small trips and more. As per the report, the average American spends most of their leisure time by sleeping and sports. According to the American Time Use Survey, Americans tends to spend their leisure time more on other activities than on technologies and devices and 60% Americans spend their leisure time by watching TV. Prior to this, device free time enhances in creating innovative ideas and accordingly increases the productivity. Prior to that 82% individuals stated that their productivity deteriorated by using technologies and devices (Wang, 2011). People are so much dependent on technology that they seek help of the internet for simplest of the task. Therefore, device free life provides people to think more and to use their brain in a more creative way. Apart from this, device free time also helps in providing calmness to mind as constantly using devices affects the brain and thus reduces the level of concentration. Although there have been reports that using of modern technologies helps in increasing knowledge and ideas and individuals tends to spend most of their in devices. As per the recent data, it has been proved that 87% of the people of Singapore are addicted to devices, whereas, 89% of Americans suffered from body pain as a result of different sitting postures developed while using devices (Harvard Business Review, 2018). It has been stated by many scholars that use of smart devices helps in economic growth of the country. Prior to that, 59% individuals of Turkey depends on the internet for doing simplest of task, hence they are not able to develop their own creativity (Wang Wang, 2017). However, use of devices in free time alienate individuals from social activities and gatherings, reduces their creativity and most importantly affects their brain. Therefore, it is important to have device free time as work life balance, as it helps to encourage more face to face communication, spendin g more times with family and friends, reduces stress and helps to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyles. Conclusion From the above essay it could be concluded that in the present day with the advent of modern devices individuals started spending more time on technologies, but it should be limited so that people can give some time to themselves. Apart from this, device free time is considered important as work-life balance as it provides various positive outcomes and most importantly helps in increasing their own productivity and concentration power. References Coontz, S. (2016).The way we never were: American families and the nostalgia trap. Hachette UK. Derks, D., Bakker, A. B. (2014). Smartphone use, workhome interference, and burnout: A diary study on the role of recovery.Applied Psychology,63(3), 411-440. Fan, L., Liu, X., Wang, B., Wang, L. (2017). Interactivity, engagement, and technology dependence: understanding users technology utilisation behaviour.Behaviour Information Technology,36(2), 113-124. Harvard Business Review. 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